Selling is changing. Actually, clients'
expectations are changing. Today we want personal solutions.
One-size-fits-all does not cut it anymore. Understanding individual
differences and presenting products and services accordingly
meets and exceeds customer expectations. |
salespeople calculate their sales ability by their product knowledge,
cute selling techniques, and dogged determination to make the matter what. "I'm gonna stick with this customer
until they buy or die." In many cases, a successful sale
involves nothing more than tricking a customer into buying something
they really do not want or need. Most of us are very weary of
these worn-out, slick/polished sales techniques. |
Most of us believe that effective communication
has two parts: talking and listening. Let's add a third: understanding
potential behavior. |
In Stephen Covey's book The Seven Habits
of Highly Effective People, he states: "Win/Win is not a
technique... Win/Win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly
seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win/Win means
that agreements and solutions are mutually beneficial, mutually
satisfying." |
Successful salespeople know
about the changing tendencies of today's customer. They are raising
their skill level to keep pace. They keep track of changes in
the market place. Professionals have to learn how to immediately
deal with the new awareness of today's enlightened customers.
They need to show the customers that the action they are recommending
is in the customer's best interest.
Otherwise "NO SALE!" |
Becoming a behavior expert allows us
to focus on results while we maintain a constant awareness
of the selling or negotiating process. We won't have to rely
on slick techniques or strategies. |

our clients sense we are coming from a position of understanding,
we do not have to be on the defensive. They will know something
unique is happening. We will build on our differences. |
When we concentrate on accurately assessing
an opponent's potential behavior, we gain a "soft"
leverage. We will know something they don't, but we won't use
it to their disadvantage. This is truly Win/Win. |
traits below illustrate the method we need to make a good first
impression using People Reading. Identifying these traits and
reacting accordingly will show the customer that we are different.
We will be helping and interacting in the manner most comfortable
for them
initially. And, we never get a second chance
to make a first impression.
These profiles are only the tip of the sales and negotiating
icebergs. As you read the definition and recommended action on
each, imagine how a full appreciation of the other traits can
upgrade anyone's performance and results. |