This site is dedicated to the game of Links golf and offers many additions to help you enjoy your round of golf, a little bit more... Have Fun! |
Aerofiles is the Internet's most comprehensive, non-commercial, free-access web site dedicated solely to the aviation history of North America and the airplanes that have graced our skies for more than a century. |
photo pictorials of the Land Down Under. Click around and dream
along with me. |
Bora Bora
- Unquestionably the most mystical of the Pacific islands remains
the island of all dreams.
So much has been written about Bora Bora, and yet it is hard
to find the right words to describe the magic that emanates from
this island. |

This site is self explanatory. The most impressive, mystifying
and impressive photo I've ever seen of Mother Earth. Can you
find your house in the photo? |
went to my first Angel game in 1961. I kept season tickets while
my friends made fun of my loyalty all through the years. I moved
to Northern CA in 1994. The Halos won the World Series in 2002.
Well done guys! It was worth the wait. |
It's what we learn
after we know it all that really counts. John Wooden, the Greatest
Coach in History |
What the caterpillar
calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. Richard
Bach |
You can't have everything.
Where would you put it? Steven Wright |
Whether you think
you can or whether you think you can't, you are right. Henry
Ford |
I didn't like the
play. But I saw it under unfavorable circumstances--the curtains
were up. Groucho Marx |
The inherent vice
of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent
vice of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. Winston Churchill |
It is not easy to
find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it
elsewhere. Agnes Replier |
Idealism is fine,
but as it approaches reality, the cost becomes prohibitive. William
F. Buckley |
If you only have
a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. Abraham Maslow |
It's déjà
vu all over again. Yogi Berra |
It is not because
things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do
not dare that they are difficult. Seneca |
Rise early. Work
late. Strike oil. J. Paul Getty, Sr. |
You don't teach
an old dogma new tricks. Dorothy Parker |
There's a fine line
between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot. Steven
Wright |
A verbal contract
isn't worth the paper it's written on. Samuel Goldwyn |
No matter how cynical
you get, it's impossible to keep up. Lily Tomlin |
If you do not find
peace within yourself you will never find it anywhere else. Paula
Bendry |
Now all you fellas
line up alphabetically by height. Casey Stengel |
Some things have
to be believed to be seen. Ralph Hodgson |
Behavior is a mirror
in which everyone displays his image. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |
A computer once
beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
Emo Phillips |
Keep it simple:
as simple as possible, but no simpler. Albert Einstein |
I'm always amazed
to hear of air crash victims so badly mutilated that they have
to be identified by their dental records. What I can't understand
is, if they don't know who you are, how do they know who your
dentist is? Paul Merton |
A Real Hall of Famer
My father, Walter "Whitey"
Whiteside, was a wonderful man. He passed away peacefully at
his home in Lancaster, CA, on November 15, 2000. Born in Reedley,
CA, he always said he left home at the age of 16. Friends say
he was more likely run out of town--for various reasons, no doubt.
He joined the US Army Air Corps in 1933 and spent 40 years of
his remarkable life serving our country. He spent 26 years in
the US Air Force and retired as a Major in 1959. Some of the
stories he told about his days supporting the flight testing
of many of our historic aircraft at Edwards AFB and elsewhere
were fascinating and awe-inducing. B-29, Flying Wing (with Chuck
Yeager), X-1, X-1A, X-2, X-15, M-2 Lifting Body, and the Lunar
Lander...he was around them all. Many X-15 pilots and three astronauts
were at his retirement party when he left NASA in 1972. Revered,
loved, and respected, this gracious and kind man helped thousands
of people begin a happy, joyous, and free life during his glorious
86 years.
Best of all, he was my Pop. Here's to you, Whitey. |

Click on
each of the
three photos
to read
about him. |